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WT101: Definition, application, products

WT101 : Définition, application, produits

Equipe Sparwan |


The WT101 Smart Radiator Thermostat is a smart radiator thermostat using LoRaWAN® technology. Designed to manage heating control systems, it allows room temperature to be adjusted automatically and manually with time-controlled regulation. This device is equipped with a built-in temperature sensor for accurate environmental detection and efficient control.

Main Applications

Smart residential and commercial heating management: Automatically adjusts room temperature according to predefined heating plans to optimize comfort and energy efficiency.

Public buildings and shared spaces: Thanks to its child lock function and anti-tamper design, it is ideal for areas accessible to the public, where security and prevention of unauthorized manipulation are crucial.

Centralized heating systems: Integration with Milesight LoRaWAN® gateways and Milesight IoT Cloud solutions for remote control and centralized management of heating systems.

Frost Protection and Open Window Detection: Detects extreme environmental conditions to prevent frost damage and optimize energy consumption.

Essential products compatible with the WT101


Facilitates interoperability between different networks and communication protocols.



The use of sensors allows data to be collected on physical parameters to monitor and control systems in real time.