The importance of monitoring air quality in your environment
Have you ever felt tired at the end of the day, a drop in energy, migraines?
What if it was linked to a level of CO2, fine particles or volatile organic compounds that is too high in the room or office in which you work?
Monitoring air quality using CO2 sensors seems to be an essential step in improving the indoor environment, and by extension the well-being of users of these common spaces.
- Fight against air pollution and its consequences on the body.
- Optimize your well-being at the office or at school.
- Increase/improve productivity and concentration.
- Carry out targeted actions on the environment.
- Companies, offices, coworking spaces…
- Meeting rooms, conference rooms.
- Schools.
- Daycare centers, leisure centers…
CO2 is an inert gas present at an atmospheric concentration of about 400 ppm. This increases in closed environments, as it is released by the body in the process of respiration.
The increase in this concentration leads to harmful consequences on health as soon as the threshold of 1000 ppm is reached.
( ANSE, 2013 ):
Decrease in cognitive performance (decision-making, concentration), increased feeling of fatigue
COVID-19 has contributed to the general awareness of the importance of monitoring indoor air quality. The High Council of Public Health recommends ventilating the room from 800 ppm.
We offer to deploy a monitoring solution in your workspaces
of air quality. This implementation can
be carried out simply, and without mobilizing
heavy investments, notably thanks to the
setting up a sensor network.
There are a variety of CO2 sensors available,
reliable, and very easy to read thanks to
light indicators or emoticons. These
equipment can be supervised from a
central point, thanks to a dashboard which allows information to be grouped together
The use of this type of sensor allows for rapid and detached reading of the data.
technique. Users are integrated and made aware of the action of improving air quality. This could be children in a school, a teacher or an employee of
A little emoticon that is not happy and hop! we open the window!
Once the sensor network is deployed, it is possible to implement solutions
automation. This could be, for example, an alarm being raised, or the control of a
ventilation system.