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Tutorial installation of MESHCENTRAL, an open source server for remote management of your IT equipment

Tuto installation de MESHCENTRAL un serveur open source de gestion à distance de votre parc informatique

Equipe Sparwan |

What is MeshCentral?

MeshCentral is an open-source web server for remote computer management that supports Windows, Linux (including BSD), MacOS and even Android! It has a lot of features:

  • Remote control
  • Client File Management
  • Command execution (by console or by file)
  • Perform actions (Shut down, reboot, send messages, put on standby, etc.)
  • Manage services and programs running on the device
  • Show device information

Installing MeshCentral

MeshCentral is very easy to install, you will just need Node.js if you don't already have it, just create a folder where MeshCentral will install and then do the following command in that folder:

npm install meshcentral

It will take a few seconds and then the server will be installed, just enter the command (the “--cert” option allows you to create a certificate)

node meshcentral --cert <your machine IP>

And there you have it! Your server is launched and can be accessed via your IP or simply via

Configuring and Using MeshCentral

When you first log in to your MeshCentral page, you will need to create your first account which will be the administrator account.

On the main page you will already have several menus available, but we will focus on adding and managing devices.

Add a device


In this menu, we will be able to add our clients to then manage them and take control of them. First, you will have to create a group and then click on “Add an agent”.

There are several choices available to you depending on what you would need. In the “Operating System” drop-down pane you can select the operating system of the device you want to add, for Linux you just need to copy and enter on the device a command line to add the device (we recommend doing it in ssh)

For Windows or MacOS, you will have an executable to download and then launch on the device.

Once launched, you would have an interface to install the agent and connect the device to the MeshCentral server.

Once the installation and connection is complete, the device will appear in the list on MeshCentral, click on it to start managing the device.

Device Management

From here, we will be able to perform quite a few actions on the selected device. The “Action” button allows you to turn off, put to sleep or reboot the agent, but also to execute commands (just like the execute button available) or uninstall the agent. The “Message” or “Instant chat” button allows you to send messages and, in the case of the second option, also receive messages from the user on the device.

The “Desktop” tab allows you to take control of the device (this tab is obviously not available for Linux without a graphical interface), the “Tools” button allows you to manage the services and programs launched on the device.

The last tabs “Terminal”, “Folder” and “Details” allow you to access a terminal, the device file and then its details (CPU and RAM usage, IP, etc.)


Your MeshCentral server is up and running and you now know the basics of using it. There are still plenty of other secondary features available on MeshControl such as file hosting for example.

Do you need a machine to create a server?

We provide rugged mini PCs that can, thanks to their characteristics, be suitable for this type of use.

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