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An ideal PC for the workshop

Un PC idéal pour l'atelier

Equipe Sparwan |

Workshop work has constraints: dust, variable temperatures, humidity... It is therefore necessary to choose a PC that supports this type of environment.

BenMaker, from the YouTube channel of the same name, called on Sparwan to find THE PC that meets these requirements.

Laptops and traditional PCs do not tolerate repeated exposure to dust, particularly because their cooling causes suction. Likewise, they are generally not suitable for humid environments and temperature variations.

Following Ben's request, we offered him a 12th generation i5 fanless PC (10 cores): the K105 from the JWIPC brand.

This PC fulfills all its objectives. Its passive cooling prevents the aspiration of surrounding dust. It withstands temperatures from -20° to 70° off and from -5° to 45° in operation. It is also resistant to humidity levels of up to 95%, making it your ally.

Its small size is an advantage, and it is powerful enough for the simultaneous use of several software programs.

Discover the article written by BenMaker about it: Looking for the ideal PC for the workshop

Are your needs similar? Are you looking for the ideal PC for your workshop? Discover our Fanless PC K105.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact our teams by email at or by telephone at 02 51 99 13 03.

Also discover the BenMaker Youtube channel!